Articles By D. S. Sivia et. al.

  1. Sivia, D. S., and C. J. Carlie, 1991, `Molecular Spectroscopy and Bayesian Spectral Analysis - how many lines are there?' (907Kb) J. Chem. Phys., 96(1) pp 170-178; also available as a level 2 postscript file.

  2. Sivia, D. S., C. J. Carlie, W. s. Wowells, and S. Konig, 1992, `Bayesian Analysis of Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Data' (508Kb) Physica B, 182 pp. 341-348; also available as a postscript (658Kb) file.

  3. Sivia, D. S., 1994, `A Bayesian Approach to Extracting Structure-Factor Amplitudes from Powder Diffraction Data,' (1Mb) pp. 703-714, Acta. Cryst., A50; also available as a level 2 postscript file.

  4. Sivia, D. S., 1996, `Dealing With Duff Data,' (200Kb) in Proceedings of the Maximum Entropy Conference, M. Sears, V. Nedeljkovic, N. E. Pendock, S. Sibisi (eds.), NMB printers, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, pp. 131-137; also available as a (69Kb) postscript file.

  5. Sivia, D. S., J.R.S. Webster, 1998, `A Bayesian approach to reflectivity data,' (216Kb) Physica B, 248 pp. 327-337.

  6. Sivia, D. S., 2006, 'Data Analysis - A Dialogue With The Data', (161Kb) Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology VII, P. Ciarlini, E. Filipe, A.B. Forbes, F. Pavese, C. Perruchet and B. Siebert (eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 108-118.

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