Articles by David MacKay et. al.

  1. Mackay, David J. C., 1996, ``Hyperparameters: Optmize, Or Integrate Out?'' in Maximum Entroy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 43-59, G. R. Heidbreder (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands; also available as a postscript file.

  2. MacKay, David J. C., 1996, ``Bayesian Non-Linear Modeling For The Prediction Competition'' in Maximum Entroy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 221-234, G. R. Heidbreder (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands; also available as a postscript file.

  3. Green, Andrew G., and David J. C. MacKay, 1996, ``Bayesian Analysis Of LInear Phased-Array Radar'' in Maximum Entroy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 309-318, G. R. Heidbreder (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands; also available as a postscript file.

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Larry Bretthorst
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Washington University
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